colorGame#2 (26 Hours 15 Minutes Trained)
Today was day #2 of creating a RGB color game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project is a code along with instructor Colt Steele on the Udemy Web Dev course I have been taking! Yesterday was setting up the basic looks of the webpage. Today I wrote the logic in JavaScript which provided functionality to the game making it playable.
As it stands currently, the game is fully functioning, however I intend to add more CSS and a little more JavaScript to make the game look better and have “easy” and “hard” options.
Today’s blog was short, sweet, and to the point. I’ll post the updated Color Game codepen below so everyone can enjoy playing the game! (For the technical viewers everyone can have fun reading through the code logic and determining how it works). Please feel free to drop questions or ideas in the comments and I will do my best to respond. 26 Hours Trained, only 9, 974 Hours to go!