Day 163, Job Search Day 13

Austin Beaufort
1 min readJun 16, 2019


Spent the day completing the entire course of “Hard Parts of Servers and Node.js” by Will Sentance.

If you haven’t taken any of his “hard parts” courses, I would highly recommend them. I received in depth knowledge of how the process of node.js happens. The event loop with multiple queues was of particular interest to me as that did not happen in the normal JavaScript event loop. Which I also learned the node event loop is built with the “libUV” library, which is built with C++. To further add to that statement most of node is built with C++. I feel enlightened after this course. I’d highly recommend checking it out.

Onsite interview in PA on June 19th for a junior full stack position. Keeping my fingers crossed on that one.

Waiting to hear back on one company in Oklahoma to set up a technical interview.

Back to applying. I really hope to get hired soon. All this hard work should be paying off soon.







Austin Beaufort
Austin Beaufort

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