Day 35 Self-Study to Web Dev!
I made a Dice App! Check the video below to build it along with me!
=> Continued working through “JavaScript the Hard Parts” from Frontend Masters. This course is pure gold and I have had many light bulb moments so far! Today we talked about:
=> Higher Order Functions
=> Lexical Scope
=> The Event Loop
=> Web Browser API’s
=> Asynchronous JavaScript
=> setTimout(), setInterval, and clearInterval()
=> Closure, or as we call it in the course, a function’s “backpack”.
=> [[scope]]
After some time in the Frontend Masters Course I switched over to today’s JavaScript30 Challenge, which had to do with AJAX. In this I learned:
=> Regular Expressions / Regex
=> Fetch requests
=> Promises and .then()
=> Chaining .then()
=> Converting JSON
Codepen for this project: