Day 43 Self-Study to Web Dev!
Created this Pokemon App!!
=> build cool apps with me on youtube!
=> all code since day one can be found here on github!
Today I focused heavily on the Frontend Masters Course “Deep JavaScript Foundations” in which i learned:
=> Explicit vs. Implicit Coercion and why each both have positives and negatives.
=> Double Equals sign allows Coercion
=> Triple Equals sign Does Not allow Coercion
=> According to the spec both double and Triple equals check ‘type’.
=> Scope
=> JavaScript is both ‘compiled’ and interpreted.
=> Double Equals favors numbers and will coerce operands on both sides of the equal sign to become numbers.
=> Two variables with the same name at two different levels of scope is known as ‘shadowing’.
=> “*”, “/”, and “-” will all coerce the operands to be numbers.
=> “+” will coerce the operands to be strings.
Leveled up to 7th kyu on CodeWars!
=> In the Pokemon App I practiced using XMLHttpRequest() to get data from the pokeAPI and how to manipulate the received data to display it on the browser.