Day 53 Self-Study to Web Dev!
=> Build original apps with me on youtube!
=> All code since day one can be found here on github!
Created an original Traffic Light App!! =>
Today I completed a jQuery course on Pluralsight! In this course I learned the following:
=> jQuery Event Handlers:
=> click, dblclick
=> mouse events
=> live() delegate() and on()
=> Hover Events
=> Using the events to manipulate the DOM.
=> Ajax with jQuery:
=> loading HTML content from server
=> load() function
=> making GET and POST requests
=> ajax() function
Began a course on called “Python for Everybody”. I hope to complete this course as a prerequisite to MIT’s “Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python” course.
I am fully focused on becoming a JavaScript developer, but when time allows will definitely invest in learning general computer science concepts in order to further my knowledge to help me become more employable (and because of my curiosity!!)