Day 57 Self-Study to Web Dev!
Multiple Goals Achieved today and I am super excited!
Completed Douglas Crockford’s “JS: The Good Parts Course”
Completed Month 3 requirements for 5 Month to Web Dev map I am following! I am especially proud of this goal as I have went through many courses and projects to achieve it!! Go check out the article and get inspired!
Considering I am nearing finishing my second month of full time self-study I am glad to have achieved this goal with a solid understanding of each topic covered.
Began CSX courses on to prepare for their technical interview for their residency program.
Today I learned:
=> History of Modules
=> Node.js basics
=> how to use NPM
=> npm init
=> Basics of Browserify and Wachify to create modules and bundle code
=> details of how package.json works.
=> Lodash and Underscore Basics
=> Completed Overview of CSX and 62% of the PreCourse.
I soon want to start building a portfolio site and learn SASS / LESS CSS pre-pre-processors.