Day 60 Self-Study to Web Dev!
This is the week.
This week I make my portfolio site. It is number one on my priority list. I have acquired skills in html5, css3, and espcially JavaScript over the last 60 days doing tutorials, original projects, and online lectures / courses.
It is time to put all of those things together and create my portfolio site!
True confession.. today I had to remember how to style a website.. with HTML and CSS. I spent the last approximately 30 days working heavily with JavaScript and let my design skills go by the way side.
So, that being said, I spent the day refreshing on HTML, CSS Grid, Flexbox, Floats, and creating two projects to get back into the swing of things.
First project was a slideshow image gallery. It was a tutorial from W3Schools. The big takeaway from this project was learning how “transitions” work.
My second design project of the day was completing a three page website using HTML and CSS with Traversy Media. It was a great refresher course!
After this I began to create my portfolio site. I created the navbar today and used the transition effects I learned about from the slideshow gallery.