Day 61 Self-Study to Web Dev!
=> Build original apps with me on youtube!
=> All code since day one can be found here on github!
Created a custom range function using JavaScript! Come build it with me using this tutorial!
Portfolio Site. Well.. it’s not complete yet. It turns out building a portfolio representing yourself is psychologically more difficult than just building any old website. However, I would like the initial site finished, up and running by Friday night. From there I can tweak the small details as necessary.
Today I wrestled with getting the Navbar “just right”. Then settled into creating a parallax scrolling effect for mobile until I researched and realized ios devices don’t really do the parallax mobile thing.
I scratched the entire workings and kept the navbar. From there I created a sticky contact sidebar and am working towards adding flip cards about me on the main page. Tomorrow’s goal is to finish the home page and most of the “about” section.