Day 77 Self-Study to Web Dev!
=> All code since day one can be found here on github!
=> Build original apps with me on youtube!
Today I continued down the rabbit hole of React.
From the freeCodeCamp “Learn React” course I studied:
=> using .map() to manipulate data structures and arrays.
=> Class Components
=> this.State
=> Conditional Rendering
=> Props
=> Handling Events in React.
After reviewing and being stuck multiple times in the freeCodeCamp course, I decided to watch a second course on Udemy to learn the material from a different angle.
The course I decided on was “React: The Complete Guide.” I already feel that it’s helping clear up some ideas.
I will bounce back and forth between the two courses in order to further my knowledge and fill in the gaps of each.
In the Udemy course I reviewed:
=> JSX
=> React Components
=> Class syntax
=> extending a class
=> Arrow Functions and “this” keyword
=> Spread and Rest Operators (…)
=> Imports and Exports (Modules)
=> Destructuring Objects and Arrays
All in all it was a very fulfilling day and I look forward to continuing learning React tomorrow!