HTML (6 and 3/4 Hours Trained!)
Today I decided to take a new approach to my current programming path. I will still continue the “Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript Book,” however I also just began taking a web development course on udemy which can be found here → Web Development Course. I already know some html, css, and js basics, however starting from the beginning seemed like a good idea to review and polish skills in the html and css areas. I spent an hour and a half working through the beginnings of the udemy course this evening watching basic setup videos for the course and things i would need to reference and download.
One of the biggest differences for me was the text editor. I have been using a free version of Visual Studio for about a month before I started my 10,000 hour training. The udemy course uses Sublime Text Editor. I thought, well, I’ll give it a try to make sure I can follow along exactly and do not run into any technical snags using the editor. I’m already sold on how easy it is to use Sublime.
The first small project to create in the Udemy course was a replica of the picture below using only the HTML basics we have been taught to this point.
So I said to myself, not a problem, and 10 minutes later in sublime I believe I had created a very convincing replica. I copied it over to codepen so you can see the results below.
That about wraps up today’s training. I have been very busy this weekend and was very lucky to have the opportunity to get a serious 1 and 1/2 hours of training accomplished this evening.
As always if you like following this crazy 10,000 hour to mastery series, be sure to clap, follow, subscribe, etc. (mainly etc.) Talk with you all tomorrow!